
Anticipating third Covid wave, Haveri admin to hand out nutrition kits to children

Kiran Balannanavar

HAVERI: In order to effectively handle the anticipated third wave of Covid-19, the Haveri district administration has launched a project -- Vatsalya – to fortify immunity among children. Under the programme, nutrition kits will be distributed to three lakh children in the district in the coming weeks.

In Haveri, about 1,800 children contracted Covid-19 during the second wave of the pandemic. Authorities said that as the third wave is predicted to affect children, the administration has taken the initial steps to safeguard them.“The Vatsalya kits will be made available at government hospitals.

The idea is to boost immunity in children to fight the pandemic. The kit will include nutritional powder, an egg tray, milk powder and medicines, if needed,” said Haveri Deputy Commissioner Sanjay Shettennavar.
He also added that free health check-up camps are being organised for those below 18 years of age. “As per the prediction of experts, the third wave is likely to be different and challenging. Hence, we decided to take these precautionary measures,” he said. A senior official said that a separate Covid-19 ward has been opened for the treatment of children in all government hospitals in the district.