
Priority to get 75 per cent jobs for Kannadigas in private, govt sectors: Bommai

Express News Service

BENGALURU: Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai said that preference will be given to Kannadigas in jobs at private, government and autonomous government institutions. “The government will give priority to get 75 per cent of jobs to Kannadigas in skilled and semiskilled sectors with the effective implementation of the industrial policy,” he added during the Karnataka Rajyotsava celebrations at Kanteerava Stadium on Monday.

He said that the government will take a decision in the upcoming cabinet meeting on renaming Mumbai-Karnataka as ‘Kittur-Karnataka’ region, which is a cluster of districts in North Karnataka. “After the unification of Karnataka, our border disputes started and ended. But yet, we continue to hear news of disputes. What is the point in calling it Mumbai-Karnataka?” 

Stating that mere renaming is not sufficient till the standard of living of people in that region improves, Bommai said the regional imbalance and disparities should go and all regions should grow together. “We are committed to preparing an action plan for the development of Kittur-Karnataka region,” he added. 

The upgradation of 180 government ITI colleges will be completed this month and dedicated to students, he added. “This government has provided an opportunity of studying in one’s mother tongue from primary level to higher education. The New Education Policy enables students to compete globally,” he added.