
BJP meet hails Modi, condemns Congress

Kiran Balannanavar

HOSAPETE: The BJP State Executive meeting on Sunday passed a number of resolutions, mainly hailing Prime Minister Narendra Modi, winning over 150 seats in the next assembly elections, and condemning the Congress for failing to act like a “responsible opposition”.

Primarily, the resolutions were all about patting its own back. Modi was hailed wholeheartedly for protecting the interests of the country with respect to the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, besides bringing 18,000 stranded students and citizens back to the country with Operation Ganga, and also the body of Naveen, a war casualty.

The resolution on the Congress accused the party of being ideologically bankrupt, indulging in appeasement politics, disrupting assembly sessions houses and politicising deaths. The party was accused of posing a threat to the nation as it had dropped cases against those encouraging division of society.

The State government’s move to build 100 hostels, five special universities and upgrading of seven government engineering colleges to the standard of IIT, was welcomed. Reintroduction of the Yashaswini scheme and setting up of cooperative banks for a white revolution are widely appreciated. The vaccination drive, exporting of vaccines, implementation of railway projects, encouraging blue revolution were also hailed.