
17th-century Mahasati statue found in Kampli in Karnataka

Kiran Balannanavar

BALLARI: A 17th-century Vijayanagara Empire-era Mahasati statue was found while doing agricultural work on the outskirts of Kampli town recently. According to historians, the statue belongs to the Vijayanagara era. Officials of the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) visited the spot.  

The statue depicts a woman holding weapons. Another woman is also seen standing.  

Farmers stumbled upon the stone statue. They cleaned it and informed the officials concerned. Immediately, the officials, along with the ASI team, rushed to the spot and took it along with them. Sharanbasappa Kulkar, a researcher and historian, confirmed the discovery of the statue. 

“The statue looks like a woman celebrating with another person with weapons and one hand is damaged.  

We will conduct the carbon dating test to get an exact picture,” he said.