
Garbage, traffic worry housing ministry officials

Express News Service

BENGALURU: Officials of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA), who have flown down to Bengaluru from Delhi have expressed concern over the city’s traffic situation and improper garbage management. They held a meeting on Monday to discuss various state and central government projects including Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (Amrut) scheme, smart city works, urban planning, Swachh Bharat and Namma Metro.

The meeting was chaired by Manoj Joshi, secretary, MoHUA, where additional chief secretary, Urban Development Department, Rakesh Singh, BBMP Chief Commissioner, Tushar Girinath, BDA Commissioner, Kumar Naik, BMRCL MD, Anjum Pervez and other officials were present. 

Sources said that the officials were concerned about two key issues. “The officials said solid waste management needs to be improved, and the traffic situation is a cause of concern. They also suggested that the city’s infrastructure also needs improvement,” sources said. 

The BBMP and UDD gave a detailed presentation to the MoHUA team on flood management, their future plans and how they are using technology. “The team explained what are the problems at the ground level, and what had been done to mitigate flooding. The special mitigation plan that the government is preparing under the smart city works was also explained to the ministry officials,” the source added.