
People of Karnataka are for Congress, says Siddu

K Shiva Kumar

MYSURU: People of Karnataka are for the Congress this time, says Opposition leader Siddaramaiah. In a tête-a-tête with The New Indian Express, Siddaramaiah opens up about the Karnataka battleground for the three major political parties, the fight and social structure of his home turf Varuna, which is set to see a high-voltage contest, and the poll campaign run by his son Yathindra Siddaramaiah.

You have toured the state, what is the response and prospects for Congress?

Prospects for the Congress are good this time, as there is a wave in favour of the party across the state. In Hyderabad-Karnataka region, we are expecting to win 30 of the total 41 seats, while in Mumbai-Karnataka region, where we did not perform too well last time, we will gain the upper hand, and also get equal seats in Central Karnataka. The situation has improved in Coastal Karnataka as well, and we are expecting to win at least five to six of the 13 seats.

There have been targeted speeches against you in Varuna to consolidate the Lingayat vote...
My statements were misinterpreted to mislead the people. Elections should be faced on facts, performance and programmes, but BJP has no issue, the party is just whipping up hatred between religions and communities to face the election. Lingayats are the most vocal and influential people. They have thrown their weight behind rival candidate Revannasiddaiah and KaPu Siddalingaswamy in the previous election.

Will the social structure of Varuna give scope for BJP to cut into Ahinda votes?

The constituency has an equal number of Lingayat and Dalit voters. I am sure that around 20% of Lingayats will vote for me and help me win this election, as nearly 90% of Dalits, Kurubas, Upparas and Muslims will be in favour of the Congress, while 50-60% of votes from the Nayaka community will also be in my favour. The people of Varuna have reposed faith in me and elected me twice, and also my son Yathindra by a margin of over 58,000 votes.

Will Old Mysuru region be a matter of concern? 

The Congress did not put up an impressive performance in Mysuru in 2018, and did badly in Mandya too. However, this time the current is in favour of the Congress in Mandya, Mysuru, Chamarajanagar and Old Mysuru region.

Will there be an understanding between the JDS and BJP this time? How many seats will JDS win?

Definitely, there will be an understanding in some seats, but not everywhere. In the previous election, Vokkaligas were in aggressive mode and their vote share went to HD Deve Gowda’s party. But this time, the scenario is different, they may get around 60 per cent Vokkaliga votes, and win a maximum of 25 seats. Take the instance of Mandya -- JDS, which got the upper hand in the previous polls, will lose seats and we will win at least four seats there.

There are reports that BJP will come out with a strategy to defeat Congress candidates after May 7

It is not surprising as BJP and JDS may come together, as expected in Varuna and a few other seats. I am confident that people are aware of their designs, and have already decided to vote for Congress as they have seen the poor governance of BJP... Our guarantee programme has made a considerable impact.

How is Yathindra campaigning on your home turf?

He has taken full responsibility for the campaign and is touring the state. Over the past five years, being MLA of Varuna, he has taken up development works and gained the people’s trust as well. People have seen me all these years, and even after carving out a new constituency, they are with me. I am hopeful they will stand by my development works.