
SNDP blows hot, NSS blows cold on Hindu League

Biju E Paul

A crucial meeting of the SNDP leaders slated to begin in Munnar on Friday may finally take a decision regarding the proposed Hindu League. The idea, for an affillition between SNDP and NSS, has been doing the rounds for a while.

It gained momentum following the fifth minister issue raised by the Muslim League and also the sanctioning of  schools in Malappuram district. SNDP Yogam general secretary Vellappilly Natesan told Express on Thursday that a new political organisation may be formed following the three-day meeting in Munnar.

“A final decision can be expected by July 30. Hindu League will be an umbrella organisation for all Hindu communities. The affluent among the minorities, especially from the Muslim community are cornering wealth and power in the name of their minority status.

“The economically deprived among the Muslims however remain backward. The SNDP and other majority communities have decided to address this situation by setting up an umbrella political body,” Vellappilly said. The Hindu communities are facing serious threats in the present political scenario even as wealth is accumulating on one side. This is also happening in a big way in the education sector. Whenever we raise our voice, we are branded as militant. Hence the decision to float Hindu League,” he added.

However, NSS General Secretary  Sukumaran Nair appeared to be lukewarm to the proposal. “I am not willing to comment about the new political organistion. The SNDP has put forth their opinion. The NSS is not a party to it,” he said.