
Mani Flays Achuthanandan's Statement

Express News Service

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Kerala Congress supremo K M Mani has once again categorically asserted that media reports related to his likely political switchover to the LDF was totally baseless.  Flaying the comments made by Opposition leader V S Achuthanandan against him and his party as inappropriate, Mani said that it is quite sad that a person holding a responsible post is making baseless statements on the basis of hearsay.

“Kerala Congress has not approached anyone seeking entry into the LDF. There is no need for it either. Reports suggesting that the Kerala Congress is planning a political switchover is baseless,” Mani said in a sharply-worded statement.

After ‘Express’ brought out the truth and real facts on Wednesday on where Mani stood  that he will never aspire to be in the top post through backdoor political moves, amid rumours of his turning to the LDF in a gameplan to become the chief minister, Thursday’s statement of the minister assumes much significance.

Some leaders in Mani’s own camp were building up the campaign in favour of  him, which was played up by a section of the media also. The Kerala Congress veteran had pulled up P C George MLA, Antony Raju and  a few other leaders for their statements, but had not come out in the open, true to his style of watching the game from the gallery to cash in on political opportunities and beefing up the bargaining power of his regional outfit.