
Dist Panchayat to Go Solar

Ajith Kannan

KOZHIKODE: In an eco-friendly move, the district panchayat is gearing up for a solar power initiative to light up its offices and institutions.

M Salim, secretary, district panchayat, says the project is part of the district panchayat’s total solar power initiative, aimed at tapping solar energy to meet the electricity demands of the institutions under the civic body.

As part of the project, which is planned to be implemented in a phased manner, an 80 KW solar project will be launched at the district panchayat headquarters, the District Ayurveda Hospital and the District Homoeopathy Hospital by the end of March.

In the second phase of the initiative, all high schools and higher secondary schools under the civic body will get the solar project, says Salim.      

“An amount of Rs 31 lakh has been allocated for the same and it is expected to be launched by the end of this financial year. Currently,  around 4.68 units of electricity is needed for the district panchayat office per month. Once the project becomes functional, the civic body can save an amount of Rs 48,000 per month on electricity charges,” says Salim.

Kollam-based United Electrical Industries Ltd has been entrusted with the project and the installation work of the solar panels is expected to start by next month. A 40 KW electricity station will be set up on the upstairs of the district panchayat headquarters. 

“There are also plans to set up solar panels to light up all offices and schools under the district panchayat. By the next academic year, all high schools and higher secondary schools under the district panchayat will be provided with the solar project. United Electrical Industries has been entrusted with the task of conducting a detailed study for the same,” says Salim.