
17-yr-old Dies at Retreat Centre

Express News Service

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: A 17-year-old boy died at a retreat centre in Cheruvarakonam, near Parassala, during a consecration held on Saturday evening. The deceased has been identified as Mohan Kumar, son of Rajendran, of Anna Nagar, Chennai.

According to Parassala police, there is nothing mysterious or unnatural in his death. “It is learnt that he was an epileptic patient and he arrived with his family at Parassala on Friday for treating the illness. During the consecration, he suffered epilepsy and fell down on the floor. Though the people who had assembled there took him to the nearby hospital, he was declared brought dead,” Parassala Sub-Inspector D Bijukumar said.

“According to the doctors, there is no such abnormality in his death and he had an uneasiness during the prayer meet. Moreover, a large quantity of froth was found in his mouth when he was admitted to the hospital. However, a case of unnatural death was registered and the body was handed over to the family,”Bijukumar said.