
Protect witnesses in sensitive cases: NIA Court

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KOCHI: While delivering the verdict in the first Islamic State (IS) case in the state, the NIA court called for steps to protect and assist witnesses to depose before the court without fear. NIA court Judge S Santhosh Kumar also appreciated a female jail officer for deposing despite threats to her life.

In its order, the NIA court said, “Before parting with the case, it is worth mentioning about the voluntary statement of the witness (name withheld) who works with the prison department. After the cross-examination by the learned defence counsel, she volunteered as follows: During the previous Saturday, a person came to her house where her parents are residing and said that there is a summons issued against their daughter and son-in-law. If they appear before court, they will be made accused in this case and threatened from attending the court.”

“Due to her job, she was able to resist the threat. But an ordinary witness may not be able to do so. So, it is high time to protect witnesses and steps are to be taken to assist witnesses to depose before the court without any coercion, threat or undue influence,” the court observed.