
Fare revision: Indefinite auto,taxi strike from Saturday night

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THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Seeking a speedy fare revision, autorickshaw and taxi drivers will go on an indefinite strike from Saturday night. The strike will see the participation of drivers aligned to prominent trade unions.

“The government had already held talks with union leaders on the possibilities of calling off the strike before, but this time we are standing firm in our demands and will not withdraw unless they are accepted,” said Pattom Sasidharan, AITUC state secretary of Kerala State Private Motor Thozhilali Federation. He said autorickshaw and taxi drivers are facing a hard time with the current fares.

“The fares were revised in 2014 after months of protests by trade unions. Since then fuel prices were hiked several times and drivers are not able to pull on without another revision,” said Sasidharan.The government has assigned a committee headed by former High Court judge M Ramachandran to study the fare revision. “The commission report has recommended an increase in fares for autos and taxis,” said a union leader.

However, Transport Minister A K Saseendran told Express the government has not received any report.
“And as soon as we get the report, after proper examination, the government will take the final decision,” said the minister.

According to the unions, the recommendation report suggests the minimum charge for autorickshaws be increased from Rs 20 to Rs 30 and that of taxis from Rs 150 to Rs 200. At the same time, the commission has rejected the demand raised by the union to put restrictions on online taxi services.