
Saints from god’s own country

Anuja Susan Varghese

Kerala can boast of having three from the Catholic Church elevated to the ranks of saints by the Vatican. Ahead of the canonisation of Mariam Thresia on October 13, Express looks at the steps involved and lives of saints from Kerala.

THE PROCESS (Roman Catholic Church)

Servant of God

A deceased person who exhibited heroic virtue can be recommended for canonisation. As the first step, people can petition the bishop of the diocese in which the person lived to begin an investigation of his/her life and sanctity. The bishop, or his representative, compiles all the writings of the person along with as much testimony as possible and prepares a report. Once the bishop has compiled all the information, the person may be bestowed the title of ‘Servant of God.’


After the bishop completes his investigation, he sends his findings to the Congregation of the Causes of Saints in the Vatican. At the end of the investigation, the congregation issues a statement that either attests to the ‘heroic virtue’ of the candidate or denies it. If the candidate passes this stage, he/she is declared ‘Venerable’ and people may seek his/her intercession.


Once a confirmed miracle has been attributed to the candidate’s intercession, he/she goes one step closer towards sainthood. In a solemn beatification ceremony, presided over by the Pope or his representative, the candidate is proclaimed ‘Blessed’. Often this ceremony is held in the home country of the person.


The final requirement for sainthood is one more confirmed miracle. Once it has been confirmed, the candidate is canonised during a solemn Mass in the Vatican. Often, the process is shortened for a person who was martyred for the faith. Once a person has been declared a saint, he/she is assigned a feast day and that day may be celebrated around the world.

What is Canonisation?

Canonisation is an official act in which Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches declare one of their deceased faithful, who led a life of sanctity or shed blood for the faith, a saint who is worthy of being venerated. This process also sanctions the commemoration of the person in the Mass. The canonisation is an affirmation that the person is in heaven with God, interceding for the faithful.