
Saudi firm repatriates over 1,600 employees

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KOZHIKODE: Expertise Contracting Company, an Indian firm based in Saudi Arabia, has repatriated its 1,010 employees hailing from across the globe to their home countries. It also sent an additional 400 staffers to their home countries in the Indian subcontinent. Another 502 employees will be repatriated soon.

“This is the biggest repatriation mission undertaken by any private company in the Saudi Arabia and the entire West Asia. It includes the cost of the chartered airlines and the cost of our employees’ quarantine period in India,” said director of the firm KS Shaikh. 

Till now, the company’s six chartered flights arrived in Delhi, Mangaluru, Chennai, Ahmedabad and Hyderabad. Three will arrive in Kochi, Delhi and Hyderabad.“We are committed to ensure our employees receive all help. During this tough time, the sponsor acts as the guardian angel who ensures everyone who has come to work for him/her returns home safely when needed. The remaining flights will land in the coming days,” said Shaikh. 

The 20-year-old Expertise group, one of the largest conglomerates in the Gulf Cooperation Council operating in petrochemical and heavy equipment sectors, has over 10,000 employees and their family members in the Gulf, mainly in Jubail in Saudi Arabia.