
Seeding interest in mushrooms

Ramu R

ALAPPUZHA: With the coronavirus outbreak and its repercussions reviving an interest in immunity- boosting diet, farmers dealing in speciality edible crops have been in business over the past nine months. A successful farmer, Eramalloor-based Shije Varghese is using digital platforms to train those interested — children and adults alike — in mushroom farming. People from across the state attend her sessions, says the 54-year-old who took up mushroom farming 13 years ago. While she has been offering training for the past eight years, interest has picked up in recent times.

“There has been a huge interest in growing mushrooms after the Covid-19 outbreak because of its immune-boosting power. We get around 150 enquiries each day as people are becoming aware of the health benefits of mushrooms. The revived interest in farming in Covid times has also provided an impetus to mushroom cultivation,” Shije says.

Although she had offered free training for the first four years, following advice from officers with the agriculture department, she now charges a nominal amount for individual sessions to make the whole process professional. She also conducts sessions for agricultural officers and Kudumbashree workers. Before the pandemic broke out, around 20-30 people — including retirees, homemakers and youngsters — used to come to her residence daily to learn about mushroom farming “Since practical training has now become impossible, I make videos to explain the different facets and then answer their queries either over the phone or through social media,” she says. 

Shije  is also doing her bit to promote mushroom farming  by supplying packed mushroom seeds (spawns) produced at her farm. Despite demand,the limited availability of mushroom seeds, which can be produced only through tissue culture, is a prime reason why she had decided to embark on the mission to popularise the same.