
Congress to contest in 92 seats; next round of talks in Delhi

Express News Service

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The AICC steering committee has decided to field new faces, youths and women in 60 per cent of the seats with winnability being the main criterion. Exuding confidence that a Congress-led UDF government will come to power, steering committee chairman H K Patil said the Congress will contest in 92 seats. The next round of talks will be held in New Delhi on Monday.

The Central Election Committee meeting,  chaired by Congress president Sonia Gandhi, will be held in New Delhi on Tuesday.Before the members of the  screening committee fly to New Delhi on Sunday, they reiterated that only winnable candidates will be fielded. After holding talks with probable candidates,  Congress leaders and party office-bearers over the past two days, Patil said he has been ‘overwhelmed’ by the party workers’ confidence.

He expressed confidence that the UDF would make great strides in the assembly elections. However, Patil requested aspirants not go to New Delhi as the party has almost finalised the candidates list for assembly election.

“The Congress will contest in more than 92 seats. The final list will be given to the Central Election Committee on Tuesday. The final screening committee meeting will be held in New Delhi on Monday. The final candidature will be made after comparing it with the final survey report initiated by the AICC,” said Patil.The screening committee has decided not field Lok Sabha MPs. However a final call on whether to field all the sitting MLAs will be taken at the Central Election Committee meeting.