
Kerala achieves 100 per cent coverage in first dose vaccine; Highlights from Governor's Policy Address

Express News Service

​Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan began his policy address on Friday, ahead of the budget session the Opposition shouted out "go back" slogans against the governor, an angry Khan retorted by asking them to discuss such matters during the session.

The Key highlights from the policy address were

  • Kerala has achieved 100 per cent coverage in first dose vaccination and 85 per cent coverage in second dose vaccination of persons aged above 18 as of February 7, 2022. The coverage among children aged between 15 and 17 which began recently is at 73 per cent.
  • A comprehensive rehabilitation package for children who lost both their parents due to Covid, including children who were abandoned by the surviving parent.
  • A scheme for providing Rs 5,000 for 36 months to the BPL families who lost their breadwinner due to Covid, timely disbursal of the ex-gratia of Rs 50,000 to the legal heirs of those who succumbed to Covid-19 also has been implemented in the State. As of February 4, 2022, 43,994 applications have been approved.
  • Kerala has put forth the proposal to build a new dam in the place of the existing dam at Mullaiperiyar which is aged around a century and a quarter.
  • The NITI AAYOG Baseline Report on the National Multidimensional Poverty, released in December 2021, puts the multidimensional poverty in Kerala at 0.7 per cent, which is the lowest in the country.
  • The government has set a target for the creation of 20 lakh job opportunities for educated unemployed and has given itself a target of generating 5 jobs per 1000 population in every local body.
  • Kerala has witnessed perceptible growth in industrial investments in the last six years. Close to 48 per cent of the MSME establishments (68,419) in the State were formed during the same period. An estimated 3,00,000 employment opportunities were created in the MSME sector.
  • Crop Insurance Programme has been strengthened. 1,26,570 farmers have been insured under the programme. As part of crop loss compensation due to natural calamities, a total of Rs 5,473 lakhs was distributed to 52,988 farmers.
  • The State has been able to vaccinate 80% of the cattle and buffalo population against Foot and Mouth disease. Herd quarantine cum trading centres will be established under dairy co-operatives to keep the animals under quarantine while on transit from neighbouring states.
  • As of 24 December 2021, 30,00,176 members were registered in the E-shram portal developed by the Ministry of Labour and Employment for the national database of unorganised workers.
  • 5,09,865 interstate migrant workers have been registered as of date in the Health Insurance Scheme for ISM Workers (AWAAZ).
  • The Studio Apartment Project aims to provide good quality, decent and safe accommodation in the form of Studio Apartment, for single and married working women in Kerala.
  • Digital University plans to set up a centre of excellence in the area of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to establish national/international collaborations (industry/academia) for building capacity in Responsible AI Technologies, applications and policy frameworks.
  • Phase-1 of the KFON Project which was approved for an estimated cost of Rs 1,548.08 crores is ready for roll out.
  • The Chief Minister’s Covid Relief Supporting Scheme for Tourism entrepreneurs will be continued during 2022-23.
  • Farm tourism will be promoted in Attapady, Wayanad and Idukki tribal areas. A permanent online platform will be set up for showcasing traditional tribal products.
  • The new school curriculum will include both scientific conscience and technical knowledge, giving due importance to secularism.
  • Awareness activities against superstition and inculcation of scientific temper will be included. Emphasis on protecting constitutional values also be included in the curriculum.
  • A Virtual Employment Exchange/Online Portal for NRI/NRK is proposed to be started in the Financial Year 2022-23.