
Action against VCs: Governor Arif Mohammed Khan explores possible options

Express News Service

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Gearing up for further action against 11 vice-chancellors, Governor Arif Mohammed Khan is learnt to have consulted constitutional experts about the future course of action. The governor is likely to seek an explanation from the syndicate of Kannur University for passing a resolution against his recent directive asking the vice-chancellor along with 10 other VCs to step down following a Supreme Court verdict. The syndicate had on Thursday passed a resolution against the governor’s directive.

Meanwhile, the governor is also exploring the possibility of taking action against Higher Education Minister R Bindu and Advocate General K Goapalakrishna Kurup for allegedly misleading him on the reappointment of Gopinath Ravindran as vice-chancellor of Kannur University.

Bindu, in her capacity as pro-chancellor of the university, had written to the governor seeking reappointment of Gopinath Ravindran. The search committee to select a new VC was disbanded owing to the recommendation. The AG too submitted legal advice to the governor favouring the reappointment. Governor had recently criticised the AG for misleading him. The governor had not even asked for an advice from the AG.

It is learnt that the governor held a series of consultations with senior lawyers of the SC, HC, and constitution experts on whether he can take action against the minister and AG since both of them were appointed by the governor. It’s learnt that he’s also checking possible options before him with respect to Finance Minister K N Balagopal, who according to him ‘ceased to enjoy his pleasure’.

The governor’s move comes after the Supreme Court order cancelling the appointment of vice chancellor of APJ Abdul Kalam Technological university. Following this, the governor sent notices to 11 VCs who were appointed in violation of UGC guidelines as flagged by the SC. Nine of them have to reply by 5 pm on 3 November and two by November 5.