
INTERVIEW | Samastha is not ‘B team’ of any political party: Syed Muhammad Jiffiri Muthukoya Thangal

Express News Service

KOCHI: Hailing from the Jiffiri family, the descendants of Syed Hussein Jiffiri who arrived from Yemen in AD 1823, Syed Muhammad Jiffiri Muthukoya Thangal is the 11th president of the Samastha Kerala Jem-Iyyathul Ulama. A strict disciplinarian, the 65-year-old Thangal is a voice listened to keenly in Kerala politics now. Undoubtedly the most credible leader of the Muslim community in the state, Thangal speaks to TNIE about Samastha’s equation with the IUML, its new-found bonhomie with the CPM, particularly Pinarayi Vijayan, and how the Islamic scholarly body is the true representative of Kerala Muslims.

Edited excerpts:

Samastha Kerala Jem-Iyyathul Ulama is gearing up to celebrate its centenary in 2026. What is the most important contribution the organisation has made to the community and society in these years? 

Most importantly, Samastha could bring out a revolution in education. The founding leaders like Pangil Ahmedkutty Musaliyar had realised the importance of education, including religious teachings, among children. They had a vision of how to inculcate the spirit of Islam in them. The religion teaches as to how one should behave not only with other human beings, but also animals and plants. Secondly, Samastha has played a significant role in promoting the idea of pluralism in a country that has rich diversity. The organisation believes that there should not be any conflict between faiths or between believers and non-believers. Samastha has a pivotal role in establishing communal amity in society.

Until recently, Samastha was seen as a feeder organisation of the IUML. But now, it has gained an independent identity…

Samastha has never been a B-team of any organisation. It has always had an identity of its own.

But this change became pronounced after you became the president…

My predecessors were all great men with great vision. The eminent scholars in the past were engaged more in religious activities such as teaching or issues related to Sharia.

That was never known outside…

It is because you people started noticing Samastha after I became its president (chuckles).

There must be a reason for those outside the Muslim community to take note of Samastha now…

It is a good thing that people outside the community are taking Samastha seriously. But let me tell you, Samastha was not formed for any material benefits. Its purpose is to guide the believers spiritually.

But some say Samastha guides not merely in religious matters, but in politics too…

We express our opinions only when religious issues are involved (chuckles).

What is Samastha’s stand on communism and atheist ideologies?

Communists have their own belief system, Congress has its own. In a pluralist society, there will be people who are religious and those who are not. One’s religion or the lack of it should not be a deterrence in joining hands for a common cause.

There is a section in Samastha that is against this bonhomie with ‘atheists’…

Communists have come out strongly against the Uniform Civil Code (UCC). Congress, too, has come out. When a house is on fire and people come to douse the flames, we don’t need to check whether one is a communist or not (chuckles). 

Samastha Mushavara member Bahaudeen Muhammad Nadvi has said that communists cannot be trusted…

That is his personal opinion.

He has quoted an incident from the past where Muslim scholars had burned the communist red flag…

Somebody may have done that in the past. He may have his reasons. Is that relevant now?

Samastha has decided to attend the CPM’s seminar on UCC. But the IUML has decided not to…

The League has said that it is not participating because the Congress was not invited. The IUML took the decision for the sake of the UDF coalition. As Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan once said, coalition partners are like okkachengayimar (bosom friends). But that does not mean the IUML is against the CPM’s UCC seminar.

Of late, there is a perception that Samastha and the CPM are getting closer…

Samastha has no special relationship with any political party. We share a good rapport with anyone who treats us with respect and responds positively to our just demands. It does not mean we are becoming communists.

Does that mean the LDF government accepts all the demands from Samastha?
We don’t have any vested interests. We have approached the government only when there have been genuine issues. They have stood with us on CAA and UCC issues.

Why do you think the Congress’s national leadership is yet to take a strong stand on the UCC issue?

Here, they have taken a strong stand. Even today, Congress state president K Sudhakaran told me the same.
In Kerala, yes. But not nationally…

That you will have to ask them; I can’t comment.

You earlier referred to the term okkachangayi used by Pinarayi Vijayan. There are some people who say you and Pinarayi Vijayan are okkachangayimar...

(Laughs out)

What exactly is your equation with him?

He called me to invite me for a function on CAA. That is how we got connected. 

Was that the first time he contacted you?

We had met on a few other occasions earlier.

How do you assess Pinarayi Vijayan with regard to his position towards minorities?

He keeps his word and has good behaviour. But that doesn’t mean other political leaders are not good. Oommen Chandy and  K Karunakaran were also like that. All have been good to us.

Until recently, it was the IUML that used to represent the Muslim community in all discussions with the government. But now, the government invites Samastha to discuss issues related to the community…

Yes. We don’t know why we were not invited by previous governments.

Samastha had opposed the IUML’s decision to stage a protest at all mosques against the LDF government on the issue of handing over Waqf board appointment to the Public Service Commission. That was a huge blow to the League. What prompted you to take that decision?

Mosques are spiritual spaces. Believers who come to a mosque may belong to different political ideologies. Bringing politics into mosques is not a wise decision. Samastha is against using mosques as a stage for political protests.

There was a rumour that Pinarayi Vijayan had asked you to do so…

No, never. Only petty people will do such petty things. Pinarayi Vijayan is not such a person. He only gave me assurance that a favourable decision would be taken in the next cabinet meeting, and he kept his word. 

What is Samastha’s political position?

Samastha, as an organisation, has no special liking for any political party. We do not support anyone in particular. But the members of Samastha may have their own political affiliations.

But Samastha, till recently, was very close to the IUML…

After Samastha’s split, the IUML and Samastha got closer. That’s because Samastha’s leaders became IUML leaders as well.

One main criticism against Samastha is that it has been against women’s education…

It was due to certain social circumstances that Samastha took such a position. Ensuring the safety of women was the foremost concern at that point of time. Samstha had once passed a resolution against English education. That was not against English education, per se.  It was in protest against British rule.

The Muslim community used to be a solid vote bank of the IUML. There was a time when a good section of the community believed that if one didn’t vote for the IUML, they would go to hell

(Chuckles) Samastha never said if anyone didn’t vote for any particular party, they would go to hell. When people were not much educated, things like that may have been propagated.

The Muslim community has moved forward a lot. They have several options other than the IUML now. How do you view this change?

There is change everywhere. Our food habits, our dressing… everything around us has changed.

Do you believe this change is for good?

Anything progressive must be welcomed. But it is not proper on the part of Samastha to comment on this particular change.

Many youngsters in the community are getting attracted to the CPM. What could be the reasons behind this?

Everyone will have their own reasons to get attracted to a political party. Samastha has no role in influencing them. We never do that.

Even while opposing the UCC, the communist parties are of the opinion that the Muslim Personal Law needs to be modified. What is your take on that?

Let them take such a position, we will respond then. Any change with regard to Sharia will not be allowed.

If communists insist on changing personal laws, what will be your position?

We support communists now because they have stood with the community to oppose UCC. But if they insist on changing Sharia, then we will oppose them.

But there is a general perception that many laws in Islam are anti-women…

Islam takes great care to protect women. It has entrusted the responsibility to men. 

But the inheritance law is against daughters…

That is because the responsibility to protect the daughters is entrusted with the men in the family.
But is there any mechanism to ensure that? There have been gross violations…

It is mandatory in Islam to do namas, one is not supposed to consume liquor... Does everyone follow that? Islam cannot be judged based on the conduct of some violators.  

The BJP has alleged that Pinarayi Vijayan and the LDF government yield to whatever Samastha demands…

That is not correct. He is the CM of the state. Do you think Pinarayi Vijayan will do such a thing? He is not sitting there to oblige Samastha.

How do you assess Pinarayi Vijayan as the CM?  

People of Kerala may have re-elected the LDF because of the first Pinarayi government’s good deeds.

The IUML has been attacking the Muslim leaders in the CPM in a personal way. Have you noticed this? 

Every party is trying their best to score political brownie points. I am not into judging anyone.

The primary aim of establishing Samastha was to counter ‘deviant sects’ and protect traditional Islam in Kerala. To what extent has the organisation succeeded in doing so?

Our endeavour has been to preserve the religion given to us in its pristine form. What the Prophet did in his time was the real renaissance because he transformed society beyond recognition. He carved out people at that time as an exemplary community. We are trying to protect that renaissance. So, we don’t need any other renaissance claimed to be brought about by others. Some others now claim that they are the proponents of Muslim renaissance in Kerala, but we don’t agree with them. We opposed Qadianism, Wahhabism and the fake Tariqas because they take the believers on the wrong route.

Talks of Sunni unity are on. What is happening on that front?

Discussions are on.

You had once said that Shashi Tharoor was capable of bringing the Congress back to its powerful days. Do you still believe he should be the CM face of the Congress?

Shashi Tharoor was a top diplomat in the UN. So, one has no doubt about his capabilities. But it is the Congress that should take a call. How can I say what the Congress should do?

Some Muslims from Kerala had joined ISIS and other extremist organisations. What are Samastha’s views on this?

Samastha will never support any extremist elements. If one says there are problems in India 100 times every day, some may start believing it. There are problems everywhere in the world. Terrorism is not a solution to anything. Going to Syria to look after sheep or cows will not solve any problem.

Do you think groups like Jamaat-e-Islami have a role in this?

Samastha has no hand in it. That’s all I can say.

In the 2019 general elections, the Muslim community voted en masse for the Congress. Do you think such a thing will happen in 2024 as well?

Let the elections come. I can’t predict now.
The IUML was the reason behind the Congress disappearing from Malappuram. How did that happen?

All prominent personalities in Malappuram supported the League. That’s how the Congress got weakened there.

Girls in the Muslim community are getting empowered through education. How do you view this trend?

It is a good thing. There are many brilliant girls studying and coming up.

Until recently, it was political Islamist groups such as Jamaat-e-Islami and the SDPI that were in the forefront as the representatives of Muslim community.

They don’t represent Kerala Muslims. But the common public may have assumed so.

Their aggressive posturing has often created misapprehensions about the Muslim community. But that seems to have changed after you became Samastha president… 

Possible... It is a good thing if people of other communities have cleared their misunderstandings about Kerala Muslims now. Our policy is what we have been following for quite a long time.

Certain Christian bishops who had levelled serious allegations like ‘Love Jihad’ and ‘Narcotics Jihad’ have taken a reconciling position after you responded…

These kinds of things happen because one doesn’t try to study and understand religions. Some suspect that one community is trying to eat up the other.

These kinds of misunderstandings happen when political Islamists become the face of Kerala Muslims. Saner and more mature voices could clear these misunderstandings to a certain extent… 

Samastha is the face and voice of Kerala Muslims. That is its purpose. There is no doubt about that.