
Centre failed miserably to control Manipur riots: Thalasserry Archbishop Mar Joseph Pamplany

Express News Service

KANNUR: Thalasserry Archbishop Mar Joseph Pamplany expressed deep concern over the failure of the Union government to control the ongoing riots in Manipur,  emphasizing the need for immediate intervention before the situation worsens. Speaking to reporters at Alakkode, he criticized the government for its inability to effectively handle the riot despite boasting about the strength of its armed forces.

“When he was in the USA, Prime Minister Narendra  Modi said that there is no religious discrimination in the country. He should say this to the Christians of Manipur. There, the Christians are being selectively hunted down. From where did the rioters get the weapons of the police? It seems that the rioters have the silent support of the government.” expressed Pamplany.

Describing the situation in Manipur as a genocide, the Archbishop emphasized that the stance of the church regarding this issue should not be compared to matters like rubber prices. He reiterated the church’s demand for an increase in rubber prices.

Pamplany also touched upon the topic of the Uniform  Civil Code, stating that thorough discussions should take place in Parliament before its implementation. “The government should listen to all stakeholders and gain their confidence. The concerns and apprehensions of the Muslim community should also be addressed,” he added.