
To ban 'The Kerala story', ‘Kakkukali’ or not: LDF government in fix

K S Sreejith

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The Left government in Kerala appears to have been caught between a controversial film and a contentious play.  Amid calls for banning the film, ‘The Kerala Story’ is set to hit the screens on Friday. The government has so far ignored pleas by fringe Muslim groups to prohibit its screening in Kerala.

As the government looked set to survive the pressure, ruling LDF ally Kerala Congress(M) joined hands with the Catholic Church demanding a ban on the play, ‘Kakkukali’.

The BJP and the Congress have already backed the Church’s demand. Now, the KC(M) too joined the bandwagon, putting pressure on the CPM, which has all along been championing the cause of freedom of expression. Moreover, any such ban on the play will give a chance to its detractors to call foul, pointing to its “liberal” stand on the ‘The Kerala Story’.

‘BJP wants to go further from Love Jihad, take political advantage’

The Church is not happy with the way political parties approached the film and the drama. It feels that the two fronts which were vocal in their protest against the film are “silent” on the drama. Sensing the opportunity, the BJP leadership lost no time in backing the Church’s demand for a ban on the play. The BJP also saw a chance to push both fronts on the backfoot by comparing their stands on the drama and the film. “The BJP wanted to go further from the Love Jihad,” said a cultural activist, who preferred anonymity. “The party wants to take political advantage through the film,” he said. 

The Congress, worried over its relationship with the Church getting strained, also sensed an opportunity to revive its ties with the Christian clergy, and demanded that the play be banned. 

Meanwhile, the Muslim League does not demand a ban on The Kerala Story. “We don’t demand a ban. However, the movie should mention that it’s a fictional account and has no link with reality,” said senior IUML leader K P A Majeed.

In a recent social media post, KC(M) leader Jose K Mani had demanded a ban on ‘Kakkukali’ saying that it hurts Christian beliefs and the Church. “There is widespread criticism and apprehension among believers against the drama. Hurting the beliefs of a section of faithful in the name of freedom of expression cannot be allowed. There was widespread protest against The Kerala Story. Irrespective of whether it’s a film or a drama, if it hurts religious harmony, it should not be allowed in Kerala,” he said. 

However, the government has a different opinion. “The state government has no power to ban an art form,” Cultural Affairs Minister Saji Cherian told TNIE. “The government is of the view that religious sentiments should not be hurt by anyone. I had a talk with those behind the drama and conveyed the government’s opinion that religious sentiments should not be hurt,” he said. 

The CPM too is of the view that banning an art form is not right. Both the party leadership and the chief minister were highly critical of the The Kerala Story, accusing the Sangh Parivar of using it as a tool for communal polarisation. However, it has taken a relatively soft stand on the drama. 

CPM state secretary M V Govindan had watched the drama in Ernakulam. “The drama ‘Kakkukali’ is very good,” he told TNIE. “It is true that the drama has taken a critical view on some religious aspects in Christianity. Banning all works of art which are critical on something is not practical,” he said.  

Govindan, however, clarified that the CPM does not have a stand against religion or beliefs. “The Kerala Story is aimed at polarising the anti-Muslim sentiments. But banning it will not do any good,” he said.