
Kalamassery blast | They refused to correct their teachings... forcing me to take this step: Dominic Martin

Express News Service

This is the edited transcript of what Dominic Martin said:

I am taking responsibility for the blasts. For 16 years I had been associated with Jehovah’s Witnesses. However, I had never taken their teachings seriously. It was all a joke to me. But, around six years ago, I came to the realisation that Jehovah’s Witnesses are a nefarious organisation and their teachings are anti-national. Realising this, I approached them and urged them to correct their teachings. However, they ignored me. I approached them again and again. But I was continuously ignored.

Through my association with them, I came to understand that this is a community that denigrates the people of the country of which they too are citizens. Their teachings aim at creating a divide. They don’t respect other religions and find people who are not members of their community to be those with whom no association should be maintained. They teach their children that they should not even sing the national anthem. They are a community that wants the destruction of 850 crore people on this Earth. 

This realisation made me take this step. Political parties never do anything since they all believe in vote bank politics. This is the reason why people like me are forced to take such drastic steps even at the cost of our lives. Jehovah’s Witnesses, your teachings, thoughts and beliefs are all wrong. You people are not living up to the pamphlets that you bring out regularly preaching about helping others. But that’s all an eye-wash. Something to just soothe the authorities or the court whenever they get embroiled in a case. I strongly oppose their teachings.