West Bengal Governor C.V. Ananda Bose
West Bengal Governor C.V. Ananda Bose   (Photo | Twitter)

Allegations cheap drama at Mamata’s behest: West Bengal Governor

Express News Service

KOCHI: West Bengal Governor C V Ananda Bose on Saturday termed the molestation allegations against him a “cheap political drama during election times” at the behest of Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee.

“The state government has no power to announce a probe against the governor. Will take strict action if it crosses the legal limits. I’ll convey everything to the central government at the appropriate time,” Bose told a local channel while on a visit to Kochi.

His response comes in the wake of West Bengal Police launching an inquiry after a contractual woman employee lodged a complaint on Thursday evening, accusing him of molesting her.

Youth Congress activists waved black flags when Bose reached the Guest House in Aluva around 11am. As they were about to reach Bose’s vehicle, the police team intercepted the protesters and removed them from the place. Later, the police recorded the arrest of five protesters and shifted them to the nearby police station.