
Fresh juice after exercise is excellent

Aditi Panda

Drinking fresh juices after you exercise or take a morning walk, gives you added nutrients necessary to help recover your endurance level and energise you for a hectic day ahead. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices contain the same beneficial vitamins, minerals and plant chemicals that you get from eating the whole fruit or vegetable.

‘’Juice is great to alkalise the body after a workout. When you workout you are putting stress on the body and lose many vital nutrients, so having a juice you are giving the body everything it needs to recover the lost nutients,’’ said Dr Namita Padhee. The human body easily absorbs these nutrients in this form and there is less pressure on the digestive system.

Fresh juices may help reduce risk of cancer, boost immunity, assist with detoxification, aid digestion and enhance weight loss.

Juices are a good source of vital fluids and excellent for wellbeing. Orange juice, for example, is nearly 90 percent water and is full of vitamins and minerals while carrot juice gives you quick energy while providing you with lasting energy for a hectic day. ‘’Morning walk is a daily routine only if I am not travelling but I don’t go to the gym. It is necessary to replenish your body after exercise as after a workout your body is primed to accept the nutrition. Juices are easy on your digestive system and my favourite is anything fresh,’’ shared a regular walker Gurusharan Panda, a corporate executive.

Fresh juices also reduce your risk of cancer, boost immunity, assist in detoxification, aid digestion and enhance weight loss. Juices are able to distribute enzymes that are actually our body’s work force, essential for digestion and absorption of food, for the production of energy at the cellular level, and for conversion of food nutrients into body’s tissue. ‘’A morning workout drains out a lot of water and minerals from the body and to compensate it fruit juices are the best option. Moreover eating snacks is not advisable after any kind of physical activity and fresh juice is the best option to feel replenished and refreshed,’’ said Reena Mohanty, a homemaker.

‘’Juices are in big demand and people throng my stall in the morning. We sell seasonal juices. The most popular are gourd, orange, beetroot and mixed flavours,’’ said Balaram Lenka, a juice seller.

A glass of fresh juice gets absorbed fast, has no fiber, is easy to digest and contains wholesome energy and nourishment. But yes only fresh juices and not those which have preservatives.

All you need is a juicer and a variety of fresh veggies and fruits of your choice. Amuse yourself around with combinations and enjoy staying healthy.