
Helpline for breast cancer detection

Express News Service

In a bid to raise awareness on cancer, with focus on early detection of breast cancer, the Institute of Medical Sciences and Sum Hospital here has launched a cancer helpline. The helpline has a toll-free number 08280080712 enabling people to call up for counselling and guidance.

The helpline would educate and empower women on taking charge of their own health by practising regular self-examination to identify any changes, scheduling visits to their healthcare provider, adhering to prescribed treatment and knowing facts on recurrence, head of surgical oncology Dr Sunil Agrawala said.

The problem of breast cancer is growing at an alarming rate due to ignorance on the part of the afflicted. In India, about four out of five breast cancer patients are detected at an advanced stage.

A psycho social taboo regarding breast cancer is a major cause for late detection as a majority of women do not come for treatment at early stage.

The need of the hour is to create awareness on the disease so that there is wider acceptance, resulting in early treatment, superintendent Dr P K Mohanty said.

“Breast cancer is one among the few cancers that can be cured completely. But the treatment needs proper planning,” said Dean Dr D K Ray.