
Politics should not come in way of development, says Union minister Dharmendra Pradhan

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BHUBANESWAR: AS the war of words between the BJD and the BJP continues over NITI Aayog meeting of collectors of 115 most backward districts, Union Minister for Petroleum and Natural Gas Dharmendra Pradhan on Sunday questioned the State Government’s rebuff to the invitation of the plan panel.

Accusing the State Government of politicising the issue, Pradhan said NITI  Aayog’s move should not be seen as an interference by the Centre in the affairs of the State. Dismissing allegations of the State Government that it was not consulted in the selection of the eight backward districts for inclusive development, Pradhan  said the State is not telling the truth. Apart from writing to Chief Secretary A P Padhi on the proposed meeting, NITI Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant had discussed the issue several times with the former.

Citing letters of  the NITI Aayog to the State Government, Pradhan said the plan panel had given a free hand to the State on selection of districts that need special attention both from the State and the Centre for their rapid transformation in line with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision to create a “New India” over the next five years.

Five States, including Karnataka, have made changes which was accepted by NITI Aayog. Besides, a State like Kerala, which does not see eye to eye with the Centre, has whole-heatedly accepted the proposal for appointment of Prabhari officers for coordinated action, he added.

“The Chief Secretary is an intellectual person, but I don’t know who or what pressurised him to write that the State was not taken into consideration before selection of backward districts and appointment of Prabhari officers from the Centre,” Pradhan told reporters here.

In a letter to NITI Aayog, Padhi had raised objection to the unilateral decision of the plan body for appointing Prabhari officers without consulting the State, Pradhan said.

“The Centre has not forced any decision on the State as the entire exercise will be executed under the overall guidance of the Chief Secretary. I sincerely request Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik to review his decision for the greater interest of the people of the backward districts. Politics should not come in the way of State’s development,” he said.  The Chief Minister should prove that he is best administrator through action and not just words, Pradhan remarked.

On the State Government’s contention that the appointment of Central officers will create confusion as senior IAS officers are already in charge of the districts, Pradhan said many proposals from the districts are pending at the Central Government-level for a long time.  The Prabhari officers will assist the State in resolving these issues promptly.