
Bitten by rabid dog, student made to eat its liver to get cured

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JEYPORE:  In a bizarre incident, a tribal student was made to eat the liver of a rabid dog on the advice of his school headmaster after being bitten by the animal in Koraput district.The incident took place on Thursday last and Laxmipur Block Education Officer (BEO) BK Sarkar started inquiry into the matter on Sunday.

The residential student, Chandra Nayak, belongs to Kashipur block in Rayagada and is a Class IX student of Toyaput Netaji school under Laxmipur block in Koraput district. After being bitten by the dog on Thursday, he informed the headmaster-cum-hostel in charge, Pravakar Gorada, who advised him to eat the liver of the rabid dog to prevent being affected by rabies. 

Chandra and other inmates of the hostel caught hold of the dog, killed it and handed over the carcass to hostel cook Rajiv Himmirika. Rajiv cooked the dog’s liver and Chandra ate it. Later, Chandra fell ill and the headmaster advised him to get admitted to Laxmipur Hospital. Pravakar informed a teacher of a nearby school who admitted the boy to the hospital. 

Chandra is currently undergoing treatment at the hospital and his condition is stated to be stable. Receiving information, the BEO started inquiry into the matter on Sunday. The headmaster claimed that eating liver of rabid dog is a common practice to treat rabies in tribal areas of the district.