
No case yet in NALCO smelter plant mishap in Odisha

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ANGUL: The Directorate of Factories and Boilers is yet to register a case in connection with the mishap in NALCO smelter plant on July 23 which had claimed two lives.

Director of Factories and Boilers SN Sethy who visited the accident site on Wednesday said, “We are investigating into the incident. After the process is over, we will decide whether there will be a case or not,” said Sethy.

The Director said there was no bar for any apprentice trainee to work in the plant.Sethy along with a team, which included NALCO executive director Manasa Mishra, inspected the mishap site at cast house of Nalco smelter plant. The team interacted with operators, technicians, engineers and members of the safety committee.

The team members urged NALCO workers and officials to adhere to safety norms and strictly follow the 10-point action plant framed by the Directorate.On July 23, four workers sustained serious injuries in an electric flash over while working at cast house B.

Mithun Nath, a contractual worker of  Balaramprasad village, who sustained 80 per cent burn injuries, succumbed at a hospital in Delhi.  An injured apprentice trainee Rajani Kanta Parida of Benthpur village also died at a hospital in Cuttack.