
Come, join the juggernaut: Naveen invites investors to Odisha

Express News Service

BHUBANESWAR: Make-in-Odisha 3.0, billed as one of the biggest investment summits of the country, kicked off here on Wednesday with Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik exhorting the galaxy of industry captains and investors to join the juggernaut and become part of the state’s transformative journey.

Declaring the five-day industrial carnival open amid the presence of his cabinet colleagues, senior government officials, business leaders, investors, industry captains and ambassadors from different countries, he called upon the participants to explore the enormous business opportunities offered by Odisha.

The chief minister also inaugurated an industrial expo and dedicated it to successful entrepreneurs, who he described as the force behind the rise of the state as an industrial powerhouse. The mega exhibition showcased industrial prowess with most of the industries operating here and various departments of the government displaying their success stories of making in Odisha.

Prior to the inauguration of MIO 3.0, Naveen addressed the FICCI national executive committee meeting at the venue. Odisha is fast emerging as a fulcrum of trade, commerce and industrialisation in the Bay of Bengal region, he said and urged FICCI to promote the state as a destination of choice for the investor community across the globe.

Appreciating the vibrant women entrepreneurship initiative of FICCI ladies organisation (FLO), especially the engagement with Mission Shakti, the chief minister said, “Our goal is to empower the women of the state to be model entrepreneurs and leaders.”

He urged the FLO team to work closely with the Mission Shakti department to develop strategies for further strengthening the entrepreneurship ecosystem at the grassroots and creating opportunities for local women entrepreneurs to reach out to the global markets.

Minister for Industries, MSME and Energy Pratap Keshari Deb said Odisha was among the top states that have received investment intents during the Covid pandemic and that encouraged it to go for a bigger investment summit.

“We are focusing on grounding the projects. The post-Covid era is going to be a golden period for the state. With the business proposals expected during the conclave, we hope the state will be fully industrialised and self-sufficient by 2036,” he said.

The inaugural ceremony was also followed by a scintillating cultural extravaganza including a display by 600 drones projecting Odisha’s growth story as well as the rich culture and heritage of the state. An Odissi dance show - Rupantar - spearheaded by eminent danseuse Aruna Mohanty and 100 performers showcasing the transformation of Odisha was a major highlight.

More than 50 international guests with representatives from partner countries Germany, Japan and Norway attended. Among others, ambassador of Japan to India Hiroshi Suzuki, ambassador of Norway Hans Jacob Frydenlund, ambassador of Nepal Dr Shankar Prasad Sharma and German consul general Manfred Auster were present.