
Witch doctor held for raping woman in Odisha on treatment plea

Express News Service

BARIPADA: Baisinga police on Sunday arrested a 55-year-old witch doctor after a married woman accused him of raping her in Mirigidari village under Betnoti block a few days back.The accused, Harishchandra Mohanta of Mirigidari village was reportedly practising sorcery for a long time and locals used to seek his help for problems and treatment of various ailments.

Sources said the victim woman, who was from Rupsa area in Balasore district, was facing some health issues along with her husband since the last few months. They used to consult local doctors and quacks but did not get any respite.

One of the relatives then advised the couple to visit the witch doctor in Mirigidari and after getting in touch, the duo visited him on Thursday last. The accused then reportedly took them to a deserted place outside the village for some rituals.

During the process, the woman’s husband went to attend nature’s call a few metre away from the spot. Taking advantage of the situation, the witch doctor forced himself on her and allegedly raped her. Hearing the woman’s screams, her husband rushed to the spot but the accused had fled the spot

The following day, the couple filed a police complaint. After a case was registered, police tracked down the accused and arrested him. Baisinga IIC Prabhanshu Sekhar Mishra said a case under section 376 of the IPC has been registered.

The accused was produced in court and remanded in judicial custody after his bail was rejected. Action will also be taken against those who had referred the couple to the witch doctor, he added.