
Bhubaneswar Diary: Bribery and sanity

Bijoy Pradhan , Bijay Chaki

Honesty takes a toll

Unbelievable but true. An assistant section officer (ASO) of the Works department has lost his mental balance after being offered bribe by some engineers to expedite their promotion files. Two engineers, who are due for promotion, approached the ASO and requested him to find out the status of the file and the time it will take for the departmental promotion committee to meet to decide the matters. The ASO told them that he had already sent a reminder to the authorities concerned and there was nothing to worry. Assuming that the ASO was not taking interest to pursue their cause, the engineer duo decided to grease his palm to get the job done. One day they encountered him in the secretariat corridor and handed over a yellow envelop. Without suspecting their motive, the ASO opened it to find a wad of notes inside. Enraged at their audacity to offer money at workplace, the officer threw the envelop on their face much to the surprise of the onlookers. Since then he has refused to work on the same seat and been assigned another desk. After the incident, he is also not in his normal self and has became very withdrawn, said a senior officer of the department. A post-graduate in physics, the ASO had dropped out from a PhD course to join the government job.

Sura’s ‘beautiful’ remark has all guessing

Congress MLA Suresh Kumar Routray is entertainment, entertainment, entertainment - whether inside the Assembly, at a public meeting or a government function. His speeches are known more for their entertainment purpose than anything else. Recently, he attended the foundation laying ceremony for expansion of Bhubaneswar railway station and was on the dais along with the Railway minister Ashwini Vaishnaw. To everybody’s surprise, Routray started running towards Vaishnaw just when he was going to start his speech. Seeing this Vaishnaw wanted to stop him and said, ‘Ruhantu, Ruhantu (stay there, stay there). But Routray went on running till he touched Vaishnaw and said, ‘beautiful’. Soon after the Congress MLA left the meeting place for other engagements. Every one wondered what was so beautiful. Was the central minister was beautiful or the railway station was beautiful. Two other central ministers were present at the function.