Tamil Nadu

Talks fail to break deadlock in Neyveli

Express News Service

The tripartite talks between the trade unions of Neyveli Lignite Corporation(NLC), management and assistant labour commissioner held here on Friday to put an end to the indefinite strike failed to break the deadlock.

NLC general manager (HR) M Maheswaran and  deputy chief manager (personnel) A J Thirukumaran held talks in the presence of assistant labour commissioner R Sivaraj of the Central Labour Welfare Board.

During the two-hour talks, the NLC management urged trade unions to drop their agitation and resume work since the decision to divest 5 per cent shares of NLC was a policy decision of the Centre. However,the trade unions insisted that the Centre drop the decision, resulting in failure of the talk.

The trade unions found fault with the NLC management for moving the court when the conciliation talks were yet to conclude. Convenor of Joint Action Council of Trade Unions S Rajavanniyan told Express the first round of talks were held on July 2. But even before the second round of talks could be held, the NLC management approached the High Court. There was no other alternate offer either, he said.

“The trade unions are opposed to disinvestment and will not accept even one per cent. The indefinite strike would continue till the Union government withdraws its decision of disinvestment. The next course of action would be chalked out in a meeting at the CIYU office,”  he added.

The situation had led to 13,000 permanent workers and 13,000 contract workers abstaining from work. The trade union activists are also expecting engineers to join the strike soon.

“We are hopeful of the engineers joining the stir in a day or two,” said Rajavanniyan. Lignite mining to an extent of 90 per cent had stopped, and with the existing stock, power generation could go only for a couple of days. The impact of strike would be felt in the coming days, he said.

Meanwhile, the other round of talks with Joint Forum of Contract Workers Association had also failed.

“The strike will continue till the disinvestment move is dropped and the corporation regularises the services of contract workers as per the directions of the Supreme Court,” said convenor of the Contract Workers Association, Venkatesan.

“The revision of wages also have to be effected by the management. Only then will the strike be withdrawn,” he noted.

“The trade union is seeking regularisation of 10,672 workers. The association will hold demonstrations July 6 at Neyveli, July 9 at Cuddalore, followed by a rail blockade on July 11,” he added.