Tamil Nadu

Parents urge officials to declare summer holidays

Express News Service

CHENNAI: With summer well and truly on and restrictions back in place, parents are urging the government to officially announce summer vacation for school students. Many schools have completed the curriculum for academic year 2020-21 and have even started annual examinations. Some schools have even completed these exams for many classes and announced summer vacations.

However, without official government announcement  schools are confused if they should start the next year’s syllabus before the holidays. A physics teacher from a private school in Central told Express that while annual exams are underway, students will have special classes shortly after.

“Especially students in class 9 and 11 will be trained in next year’s syllabus as they may face public exams next year,” she said. She added that while a decision has not been taken on younger classes, the plan is to break for summer vacation.

N Nithya, a parent of a class 6 student from a CBSE school in Chromepet said that even though her daughter’s annual exams are over, the school keeps setting up yoga classes or math special classes. “Given the lockdown restrictions, I want to take my daughter to my hometown where there is no proper internet connectivity,” she said. “Students have been very stressed because of the uncertainty. They didn’t know how exams will be conducted. They should at least know for sure when their vacation is,” said Mithun Rao, parent of a class 4 student.

The concern is however common only among parents in urban pockets of Chennai where students had access to online classes through the lockdown. Students who did not have access to online classes did not get a chance to study much last academic year.