Tamil Nadu

Villupuram court refuses to give report copy to Kallakurichi girl’s kin

Express News Service

VILLUPURAM: The Villupuram chief judicial magistrate court on Wednesday refused to give to the parents of the Kallakurichi Class 12 girl a copy of the report submitted by a team of JIPMER doctors recently. It told the parents to petition the Madras High Court for a copy.

Mother of the girl, who was found dead on her school campus on July 13, filed a petition at the chief judicial magistrate court on Tuesday, seeking a copy of the report. When the petition came up for hearing before Judge M Pushparani on Wednesday afternoon, she said the Madras High Court order had not mentioned giving a copy of the JIPMER report to the girl’s parents.

The judge, as such, asked them to approach the high court. However, copies of the second autopsy’s report and the FIR filed by the CB-CID were given to the parents’ advocates on Wednesday.

Speaking to reporters, the advocate, Kasi Viswanathan, said: “We had hoped that a copy of the JIPMER doctors’ report would be given to us today. It was, however, denied to us because the investigation is yet to be over and it had not been mentioned in the high court order.” He said they would be filing a petition at the high court seeking a copy of the report on August 29, when the hearing of their earlier petitions would come up. The advocate did not comment on the second autopsy’s report as they were yet to read it and the FIR.

Meanwhile, the plan of the girl’s mother and father to walk to Chennai to meet Chief Minister MK Stalin was cancelled based on a request from minister CV Ganesan as he promised a meeting with the chief minister on Saturday, the advocate of the girl’s parents said.