Tamil Nadu

Madras University exam postponed after question paper mix-up

Express News Service

CHENNAI: Exams for second-year students at the University of Madras were cancelled on Friday after the examinees flagged that they received fourth-semester’s Tamil question paper from the earlier year instead.

Students, currently in their third-semester, appearing for the Tamil language paper and said that the questions left them confused. “When we complained, the invigilators asked us to fill in our details and try and attempt the questions so as to secure passing marks,” said one of the examinees. The University acknowledged the error and added that those responsible will be held accountable.

Referring to the mix-up, Higher Education Minister K Ponmudy said that the incident will be probed, and that steps will be taken to schedule the examination for another day. Meanwhile, the institution postponed semester examinations that were scheduled for Saturday due to clash with TNPSC Group I preliminary exams. Dates for the rescheduled exams will be announced later. Ponmudy said that the High Court order quashing the appointment of teachers in Pachaiyappas College will be implemented and a panel in will be formed soon.