Tamil Nadu

Website for Social Defence department after 6 years

Express News Service

CHENNAI: After the Depatment of Social Defence remained without a website for six years, Minister for Social Welfare and Women Empowerment P Geetha Jeevan, on Saturday, unveiled the website Child Protection Information Management and Monitoring System exclusively for the department.

The new website was created by the Tamil Nadu e-Governance Agency after miscreants hacked the previous one because the word ‘defence’ was in it. The website contained crucial information regarding the status of children in the State as well as details of Juvenile Justice Boards, Child Welfare Committees, child care institutions, details of missing children and success stories of adoption among others. However, the new website only has laws related to children and registration of child care institutions online, while other details of yet to be updated.

Speaking at the event, Geetha Jeevan said the new website will ensure timely approval of childcare institutions and effective implementation of childcare provisions apart from ensuring less paperwork for the officials. All the details in the previous website will be made available on the website soon, the official further said. The address of the website is https://dsdcpimms.tn.gov.in/.