Tamil Nadu

Coimbatore police ‘Smart Kavalar’ app to tag sandalwood trees

R Kirubakaran

COIMBATORE: To prevent sandalwood smuggling, Coimbatore City police have started to tag the locations of sandalwood trees in the Smart Kavalar Application.  Personnel of the respective police limit, who go for night-beat patrolling will update the status of the tree daily. 

The Tamil Nadu State Crime Records Bureau introduced an electronic beat system for police personnel using the ‘Smart Kavalar App across the State in November 2022. This app will record and track details of beats and other field policing and enables the officers to monitor real-time the work of the constables in the allotted beat or area.

Usually, locations like frequent crime spots, Tasmac shops, residences of lookout suspects, residences of home-alone senior citizens, and locked houses of the respective police limits are tagged in the Smart Kavalar application. The police personnel who go for beat patrol will check these tagged locations and update the mobile application.