Tamil Nadu

It’s a dream come true for Gee Gee

Binita Jaiswal

CHENNAI: Gee Gee (24) had never imagined that she would emerge as the state topper in the exam in her first attempt. On Tuesday, after the news spread, her phone has not stopped ringing. For Gee Gee, whose father is an electrician, this achievement means a lot. “I will be the first in my entire family to join the prestigious civil services,” said Gee Gee, who plans to join Indian Foreign Services (IFS).  

A bright student since her school days, Gee Gee completed her graduation from Stella Maris College in 2021 and then enrolled with a private coaching centre to prepare for civil services. “I was really confident about my performance and was expecting a good rank, but becoming the state topper was definitely not in my dreams,” said Gee Gee.

R Ramakrishnasamy’s father is also an electrician. He graduated from Anna University in 2016 and has been working as an assistant engineer at the district industries centre in Namakkal since 2019. Arvind Radhakrishnan, son of Chennai Corporation Commissioner J Radhakrishnan, has also cleared the examination by securing 361st rank.