Tamil Nadu

Countries flocking to partner with TN for Global Investors Meet: Industries Minister TRB Rajaa

C Shivakumar

CHENNAI:  Global Investors Meet 2024 to be hosted by the Tamil  Nadu government on January 7 and 8 next has caught the attention of several nations, as, after Singapore and Australia which have already agreed to be partners, more countries from Europe and Southeast Asia have expressed their interest to be part of the event.

“Several other countries have also expressed interest and we expect their announcements in the coming days. We are overwhelmed by the excitement and eagerness shown by representatives of various countries to partner with TN GIM 2024,” Industries Minister TRB Rajaa told TNIE on Monday, without naming any country. 

“This year, we plan to focus not only on investment memorandum of understanding but also high-quality jobs and knowledge transfer. We want the event to be a meeting of the best minds of industry from across the world, to exchange ideas and explore opportunities. The government wants to showcase Tamil Nadu as India’s knowledge capital with a talent pool that is available nowhere else in the country. This will be the most important aspect of showcasing our investment potential,” Rajaa said.

Several committees have been formed by the government for direct oversight from the chief minister’s office. “We are confident that all aspects of the event, like the venue and logistics, will be executed seamlessly and it will be unlike any event India has seen before,” he said.

Interestingly, Australian High Commissioner Philip Green said his country will be a partner for GIM 2024. “Entry into force of our free trade agreement, the Australia-India Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement and growing Indian diaspora in Australia, means there has never been more economic potential between us. We see lots of scope to do more with Tamil Nadu in the fields of education and research, advanced manufacturing, clean energy and health,” Green said.