Devotees trek on Velliangiri hills in Coimbatore
Devotees trek on Velliangiri hills in Coimbatore  S Senbagapandiyan
Tamil Nadu

Medical camp on Velliangiri not feasible, says health department

Express News Service

COIMBATORE: Devotees trekking to a temple in Velliangiri Hills demanded the Health Department to set up a medical camp en route considering the increasing number of deaths during the arduous climb. However, health officials have ruled out the possibility.

As many as six persons have lost their lives since Feb 25 while climbing the Vellingiri Hills in the Coimbatore district. Meanwhile, 13 people died in 2022 and eight in 2023 while trekking here.

The forest department had issued a health advisory for pilgrims a few weeks ago, urging individuals with comorbidities, cardiac issues and diabetes and those affected by COVID-19 to refrain from climbing the mountain. They also appealed to people to undergo a detailed health check-up before starting their trek.

In this situation, devotees requested officials to set up a medical camp on the hills and near the temple. They urged the forest department and the health department to take necessary action for establishing the medical facility.

“To avoid such untoward incidents like deaths in the hill, the concerned department officials must consider setting up medical camps along the route. If not a permanent one, the officials should consider setting up a temporary one at least during the peak season,” said M Aruneshwaran, a devotee from Selvapuram.

When enquired about it, the Deputy Director of Health Services (DDHS) in Coimbatore Dr P Aruna ruled out the possibility of setting up a medical camp on the hills.

Speaking to TNIE, Dr P Aruna said, “We have already set up a camp on the foothills of the Velliangiri. Pilgrims are being checked for health issues before they start climbing the hills. All the persons who have died climbing the hills so far this year were elderly persons and persons with comorbidities. Setting up a medical camp on the third or fourth hill is not feasible as the team of health officials with all the equipment will not be able to climb the hills up and down every single day.”