A group of 20 people were made to wait by police near mani mandapam
A group of 20 people were made to wait by police near mani mandapam Photo | Express
Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu: Entry denied at Ambedkar Mani Mandapam, say visitors

Express News Service

CHENNAI: Citing the Chief Minister’s visit, police on Sunday allegedly denied entry to visitors at Ambedkar Mani Mandapam in Chennai. This is in violation of the high court order which directed authorities to provide basic amenities and access to the people who visit the place on Ambedkar Jayanti (Sunday), said advocates who were stopped by police.

Every year, several politicians, representatives of organisations and hundreds of the general public visit the Ambedkar Mani Mandapam on April 14. This year, pointing out the lack of preparations for Ambedkar Jayanti, K Senthamizhselvi and Niranjan Vijayan from Chennai filed a writ petition before the high court seeking directions to the authorities to make necessary arrangements for the day.

After hearing submissions from the government, Justice SM Subramaniam in a judgement delivered on Friday directed authorities to ensure basic amenities for the visitors on Ambedkar Jayanthi. “The respondents are directed to comply with the same scrupulously and ensure sufficient water facilities and other basic facilities in order to avoid any inconvenience to the people attending birth anniversary,” the judgement read.

The petitioners alleged non-compliance with the high court order and sought an emergency hearing on Saturday. The case was heard at the residence of Judge SM Subramaniam on Saturday night. Following the hearing, the judge visited the Ambedkar Mani Mandapam and directed the authorities to make necessary arrangements by Sunday morning.

However, the public who visited the place on Sunday morning was allegedly denied entry citing the CM visit. A group of 20 people, including a couple arrived for their wedding, were also made to wait by the police. The visitors had an argument with police officials on duty. “We arrived before 8 am and only sought 10 minutes. However, the police did not let us in till 11.00 am. So we had to perform the wedding outside the mandapam and return,” said former high court judge Hariparandhaman, who was part of the group.

The visitors allege that the police did not follow the high court order. “Initially we were denied entry and there were restrictions on carrying food inside,” said Advocate Karl Marx Siddharthan, who was part of the group that visited the place.