Other human rights abuses to target women include child marriage and honour killings
Other human rights abuses to target women include child marriage and honour killings   (File Photo | AFP)
Tamil Nadu

Chennai: Forcibly married, minor gives birth to premature baby

Express News Service

CHENNAI: A 16-year-old girl, who was allegedly abducted and forcibly married by her 20-year-old relative, gave birth to a premature baby girl at a government hospital near Taramani on Tuesday.

According to police, *Reema was a class 12 student at a government school. Her relative *Ram used to visit her house and befriended her. In July last year, Ram abducted Reema, took her to a temple in Perambalur district and forcibly married her. He then dropped her off near her house and went home. Nobody knew about the incident. However, Ram kept visiting her often when she was alone at home and sexually abused her.

The girl became pregnant in October last, but did not tell her parents. On Tuesday, she developed stomach pain while at school and called Ram over phone. Ram rushed her to a government hospital where Reema gave birth to a premature girl child.

Hospital authorities alerted the police. The girl’s family has not registered a complaint and police are awaiting a report from the crime against women and children department to decide on the next course of action.

*Name changed