After nearly two months, the coracle operations in Hogenakkal resumed on Thursday.
After nearly two months, the coracle operations in Hogenakkal resumed on Thursday.  (Photo | Express)
Tamil Nadu

Renovation over, coracle ride resumes in TN's Hogenakkal

Express News Service

DHARMAPURI: Coracle operation at Hogenakkal which was suspended two months ago by the tourism department due to renovation work resumed on Thursday. The renovation include construction of steps and walkways leading to the coracle ticketing counters. On Thursday,  engineers declared the area fit for use following which coracle operations resumed.

Speaking to TNIE, M Prabhu, district secretary of the boatmen and cooks association, said, “ In mid-February, we were asked to suspend coracle operations as various renovations were being undertaken in Hogenakkal. While this had a significant impact on us, it was necessary as footpaths leading to the main falls and coracle operations office were damaged.

Moreover, the docks where passengers board the coracles were also being improved. These would significantly boost the efficiency of our operations. While tourist traffic is significantly lower this year, we hope to make the best of it,” he said.Tourism department officials said, “Over Rs 20 lakh worth of renovation was undertaken here. A major portion of the works has been completed and coracle operations have been resumed.”