
Tank Bund Comes Alive with Folk Arts

Express News Service

HYDERABAD: The long forgotten folk arts of Telangana villages, whose remnants can only be traced in the history books came alive on Thursday evening. The stage was huge, as big as the length of Tank Bund stretch.

Under the dazzling pyrotechnics and flickering lights, that shimmered the Hussainsagar, scores of folk artists drumming all long, accompanied by women folk who carried the revered Bathukammas  from LB Stadium to Hussainsagar for immersion.

One of the busiest roads in the city, the Tank Bund road, that stands as testimony to hurly-burly of modern day life with chock-a-bloc traffic gave way to a carnival that manifested in the form of rejuvenation of Telangana’s country side. The stench in the environs of the city lake was replaced by pleasant aroma of Tangedu and Gonugu flowers.

As the floats representing the culture and historicity of each district in Telangana slowly made their way on the road, hordes of women folk played Bathukamma with elan. 

Adding to the enthusiasm of the women folk, Byandla artists with their copper-rimmed drums danced along to the rhythmic drumming. Kommu (a trumpet)artists from Medak chipped in with mellifluous music that came out of their trumpets. Drumming with effortless ease, around 20 Mandecha artists from Karimnagar, danced forming circles around the Bathukammas.

While the country-side of the newest state came alive on one-side, the resplendent laser show, accompanied by the peppy foot-tapping music that blared out of the speakers, left those gathered on Tank Bund blissfully dancing.

As various tableaux reflected the Telangana culture, some also sought to drive home the message of educating girls.

For septuagenarian Yadamma of Warangal, never in her life had she witnessed Bathukamma being celebrated on such a massive scale.

‘’Forgot about religious connection it has, it is good for environment. Let’s not stop it,” she said.