
Vemulaghat movement under intelligence scanner

P Krishna

SIDDIPET: It has been more than a year since the protests were launched and continuing at Vemulaghat, one of the villages likely to be submerged under the proposed Mallanna Sagar reservoir project, and yet there is no hint of its stopping. This is said to be bothering the government and the intelligence agencies.

Vemulaghat villagers have been staging relay hunger strike for more than a year. It is learnt that the state intelligence department has started investigating whether the villagers are voluntarily continuing the protest or there is any opposition party behind them. 

Intelligence sources are inquiring as to why only the villagers of Vemulaghat are continuing their protest even though there are 14 villages which face submergence due to construction of the reservoir. Though people of some other affected villages too had protested initially, they called off their stir and gave their consent for their lands to be acquired by the government for the project. The sources said the intelligence agency is inquiring into why the Vemulaghat villagers are not cooperating with the government even though they were assured of higher compensation under Land Act 2016 compared to LA 2013. 

The agency suspects the role of the main opposition party, Congress, in the prolonged agitation as it had earlier filed petitions in the court demanding compensation to the farmers as per LA Act 2013. What is baffling the intelligence agency is the manner in which the protests are still continuing. When first anniversary of protests was observed, it was attended by leaders of political parties, civil society leaders, women dominated the show. It is said the youth of the village noticed the intelligence sleuths’ presence and made up their mind to continue their agitation.Meanwhile, those who are in forefront of agitation, said that they would challenge state government’s Land Act, 2016, which received President’s assent recently, in the court.

Permanent shed at protest site
Vemulaghat villagers constructed a permanent shed at the protest site in indication that they are not going to rest till their demands are met. They had been protesting in make-shift tents for the past one year and had to run for cover whenever it rained. To get protection from rain and stay put there, they built a shed by spending J25,000.  Villagers were worried, expecting police interference but managed to complete construction on Monday.  

A villager said construction of Mallanna Sagar project would be against rules so government was delaying tender process. If government called tenders, they would challenge it in court. If government offered them compensation under Land Acquisition Act 2013, then they would vacate village, else no one can force them out of the village, he said.