
HC gives nod to tenders for health kits scheme 

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HYDERABAD: Paving the way for implementation of  ‘Health and Hygiene Kits’, a scheme meant to benefit nearly eight lakh girl students of government schools in Telangana, a division bench of the High Court on Thursday vacated the order of a single judge who had stayed the decision of the TS Education and Welfare Infrastructure Development Corporation (TSEWIDC) to award tender to Maa Yarn & Fibers Company for supply of items such as sanitary napkins under the Health and Hygiene Kits scheme.

The bench of chief justice TBN Radhakrishnan and justice V Ramasubramanian passed the order on an appeal made by Maa Yarn and Fibers Co, represented by its owner Ch Sirisha, against the single judge’s order.Last month, the judge, while dealing with a petition filed by Light House Promotions, represented by M Kalyan Chakravarthy, challenging the action of the TSEWIDC in declaring it as ineligible and in awarding tender for supply of kits items in favour of Maa Yarn & Fibers Co, had stayed the order of TSEWIDC.

Aggrieved, Maa Yarn and Fibers had subsequently moved an appeal before the division bench.
When the matter came up for hearing before the bench, the counsel for the appellant told the court that it got the tender as per the procedure. However, Light House Promotions company had misled the single judge by making false statements and it had even questioned the delay in opening the price bid. 
In fact, there was a delay because of non-submission of model kit by the bidders.