
‘Why no Padma awardees from Telangana?’

From our online archive

HYDERABAD: The ruling TRS has expressed unhappiness over the way not a single person from Telangana was considered for the coveted Padma Awards, announced by the Centre. Expressing his party’s anguish, TRS MP B Vinod Kumar on Friday wrote a letter to the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, stating “My disappointment only grew when I saw multiple names from some regions and States, while none was selected from Telangana for the Padma Awards, announced on Thursday.” 

“After browsing through the names of the Padma awardees for the present year, I am saddened to see not a single awardee from Telangana. The State government had earlier recommended multiple names especially from the literary field for the Awards this year. But none were selected,” the TRS MP further stated in the letter.

He said the persons recommended by the State government for the awards are well-known for their lifetime achievements and services, “which form the basis for the selection of Padma Awards.” He then requested Modi to make the process of awarding the prestigious Padma Awards more equitable to adequately and proportionally reward the contributions of all individuals from all regions.