
RMPs offer services to control spread of Covid-19

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HYDERABAD: Registered  Medical Practitioners (RMP) and Pharmaceutical Medicine Programme (PMP) doctors met the Health Minister Eatala Rajender and offered their services in controlling the spread of Coronavirus in Telangana. The delegation lead by Venkat Reddy, president of Telangana community paramedic doctors association, said that they have helped in cases such as pneumonia and leprosy, and in vaccination programmes earlier, and they wish to render their services for Cov i d a s well.

The Minister responded positively and stressed that RMPs and PMPs could help in early detection of Covid especially in rural areas which were cut off from the healthcare system. He said the RMPs and PMPs could play a pivotal role in timely detection and transfer of patients. “Covid, if detected early can be treated with common drugs such as azithromycin and vitamins, without any inv a s ive tr e a tme n t s , ” said Eatala.