
Transpersons allege threat to life in Adilabad

Express News Service

ADILABAD: A few transpersons, hailing from Telangana, have lodged a complaint at the Kagaznagar police station in Kumrambheem-Asifabad district stating that a group of transpersons, belonging to Andhra Pradesh and have been living in Adilabad for the past couple of months, are harassing and attacking them.

The transpersons have lodged the plaint with the help of Hijras Association State president Laila. Speaking to Express, Laila said that these transpersons earn their daily bread by begging in markets and added, however, a group of transpersons from Andhra have been threatening our people and harassing and physically attacking them over money and a few other issues.Teja Shree and Soujanya, two transpersons belonging to TS, said that those from AP are threatening to set them ablaze or attack them using acid.