
Kodurupaka villagers block TRS MLA Dasari Manohar Reddy’s car

Express News Service

PEDDAPALLI: Villagers of Kodurupaka in Sultanabad mandal staged a sit-in and blocked Peddapalli MLA Dasari Manohar Reddy’s car on Saturday. BJP and Congress activists joined the villagers as well. The TRS MLA visited Devampalli village earlier to inaugurate a paddy procurement centre and was proceeding towards Kodurupaka to inaugurate another centre. 

When villagers learned about his visit, many of them including women stopped him from entering their village. They alleged that for the last 20 years, there was no proper road to the village and demanded that the ruling party MLA resign from his post. Finally, Manohar Reddy got down from his car to interact with the villagers and pacify them. He promised that a pucca road would soon be laid to the village.